
Spot Speeder

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You have to move throught the path with bonuses and barricades. You will end when, your speed drop to 100.

You can move only in horizontal way - just touch the place on your device and your Spot will move there.

Each collision with barricade brings you score points, but it decrease your speed.
The dark barrier is hart to break. If your speed is not sufficient, you will end, when you try to break the dark barrier. Your speed to break dark barrier have to be atleast 1 000.

If you are flying the path without collision, your speed is decreasing too. You have to collect atleast speed up bonuses to survive.

+ increase speed -> if you are faster your horizontal move (left <-> right) is fast
+ decrease speed -> if you are slower your horizontal move (left <--> right) is slow
+ increase size -> if you are smaller your horizontal move (left <--> right) is fast
+ decrease size -> if you are bigger your horizontal move (left <--> right) is slow